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I am

15 + 13 =

the Fédération des Chasseurs Immobiliers

Are you already in business or do you want to become a property hunter?

  • Join our Federation to guarantee ethics in our professions and quality professional relations with all players in the real estate market.
  • Benefit from the visibility of the FCI website and a presence in the FCI search engine, allowing you to find new clients
  • Benefit from FCI communication projects aimed at:
    √ customers: communication campaign
    √ professionals: establishment of partnerships
    √ institutions: action to promote the profession of real estate hunter with public authorities and schools providing training in real estate professions
  • Benefit from additional credibility with your clients and real estate professionals
  • Take advantage of a meeting place allowing you to discuss common issues, market analysis and forecasts…
  • Provision of legal documents adapted to the business
  • Sponsorship: If you start your activity, you can, as soon as you register, be accompanied by a “sponsor” to whom you can ask all your questions.

To join the FCI, you must:

  • Hold a professional card and be covered by professional liability insurance (RCP)
  • Sign and respect the code of ethics and the internal regulations of the FCI
  • Have a communication (website, advertising, etc.) mainly oriented towards the real estate hunting activity
  • Membership fee: 250 euros/en (prorated quarterly if joining during the year)